I am scared of many things: heights, fish, crustations, polyester...the list goes on. I am, however, probably the most scared of sports and sports related injuries, such as losing balance and veering into oncoming traffic. But today we rode to the beach down San Vicente and I did not get hit by a car once! Hooray! Also, let me tell you, there are SO many people on fancy bikes in Brentwood. I am pretty sure they are all laughing at me as I teeter down the street with my ridiculous looking "gear", but I guess that's karma for just weeks ago wondering why any sane person would voluntarily ride a bike...ever. Anyway, I was excited to see the ocean this morning and am thrilled that I still have all my limbs!

Nerd #1 with bike.

Nerd #2 with bike.

Success! Horrible helmet picture! Much excitement!
(pre scary hill)

The reward! (I mean other than helping people and saving lives and all that.) Totally worth it.
(post scary hill)
i want that sandwich