Back from our very first morning ride. It was, well, chilly and a little intimidating riding next to big blue buses. I also encountered what I would consider a Road Block -- a little man on some type of lift thingy using up the entire road. But, I maneuvered like an expert (haha) and made it safely home. I thought about several things on my morning ride: First, I thought about how today exercise has become more meaningful. I started reflecting on those that are so sick and weak that they cannot get up in the morning, swing their leg over a Specialized and hit the road. And then I pedaled harder. Second, I thought about how good I feel to be up early (shocker), breathing fresh air and getting to know my bike. I think its a "she," and She has a very hard seat. Finally, I thought about how I couldn't wait to blog about this ride and let you in on my excitement.
Oh Smack, my bad... you did ride already! Well then, I must revise my earlier email, indeed - be obsessed since now you know what you are getting yourself into :)