So, its Monday and I'm still not in bike riding shape. Having a minor/major problem with my back. Plus, Caitlin, along with other members of Team Cray Cray, were out of town this weekend, so there are no biking adventures to report on. However, there are two upcoming events that those of you in the LA area should take note of. Also, if you're not close enough to attend but would like to donate items for the auction, booze or food, please feel free to contact one of us.
TOTALLY RAD 80s PROM FOR AIDS LIFECYCLECome to our tubular 80s Prom to benefit Team Cray Cray's and AIDS LifeCylce's ride to end AIDS! Complete with punch, prom pictures, awkward dancing and more, this is just like real prom only better because you don't have to sneak alcohol in! Or pretend to like your date!
A suggested $20 donation will get you in the door, a drink put in your hand, and a warm fuzzy feeling for giving back. Get excited! There are also super legit prizes for the big donors, so bring it!
Please make sure you are dressed in appropriate prom wear. We do not want to have to send you home...for obvious lack of personality and sense of humor.
ROCK FOR THE RIDE!!One night only! Live in concert! Sunday Sunday Sunday!
Please come out and support AIDS/LifeCycle & Team Cray Cray on Sunday March, 28th 2009 at the NoHo Arts Center!
The baddest of the badass, Lady Zep and Allison Chains will be rocking out for the ride!
Music, Cocktails, Raffle!
We have over $5000 in raffle prizes to give away including:
'Spinner Pro'© Spin bike!
Beach Cruiser!
Gift Certificates!
General Admission
$20 Pre-sale
$25 At the door
~Complimentary Cocktails
~1 Free raffle ticket (more can be purchased at the door)
$99 VIP
~Premium cocktails
~Preferred seating
~Dedicated server
~10 free raffle tickets
For TICKETS go to: of Team Cray Cray is so appreciative of everyone who supports us, whether that be financially, emotionally or with comic relief. Please join us for an event if you can!.....also, last night I may or may not have stood over my bike, holding the handlebars and dreamed of being back in the saddle......I'm just saying; riding is addicting.