My mom asked me about 2 weeks ago if i though I was ready. I kept meaning to post something on here about how I didn't think there was ever going to be a time where I felt "ready." June 6th was just going to come and I was going to give it my best shot.
Something happened on the ride this weekend, though. We finished 65 miles and I didn't want to die. I actually felt like I could probably do 30 more. I felt...ready. Now, I have to qualify this by saying doing this once or twice a week is very different than doing it...for an ENTIRE week. But, physically I have come SO far in the last couple moths that I actually do feel physically ready for this. I actually feel as athletic as everyone always assumes that I am. Being mentally ready...well that remains to be seen. But compared to how terrified I was about doing this only a month ago, I would consider myself positively Zen. Like, I just know it's going to be OK.
I cannot tell you how much of this Zen(ness) has been a result of the support of my family, my friends and Autumn, my partner in crime for being so positive and amazing. As the big day approaches, it is becoming more and more clear to me that through this Autumn has become more than a friend, she a sister now. Sometimes we want to kill each other, but at the end of the day we have each other to lean on and I love her. We are quite the odd couple, and thank goodness for that. If I had to ride around California with another me I would off myself. She is brave where I am cautious, she is athletic where I am weak and I am mean...where she is...not.
These last couple months have not been easy for either of us. Contrary to what you might hope, life does not pause while you have to train for a 600 mile bike ride. We have both had some hurdles to jump recently and her perseverance in getting back on the bike (and out of bed) is inspirational. I don't know what the next 18 days will bring and I have NO idea what the 7 days after that will be, but I know on June 12th when I am riding up San Vicente to Closing Ceremonies Autumn will be right there behind me (we ride single file, of course). And we will have accomplished something so outlandish and unbelievable together.
Where has all of this sincere, emotional, vulnerability come from? I don't know. Perhaps I just know sometimes things need to be said, or perhaps they are repainting the halls in my office and I am high from the fumes. Either way...the best is yet to come fans! Thanks for staying tuned. You will not be disappointed in us!
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