Good Morning! Look how bright and shiny we are. About the glasses. They are soooo not pro, but I had a lovely bout of Pink Eye (no, I am not a 5 year old) this week and can't wear my contacts for a bit. Sweat + sunblock + glasses = no bueno.
Illegal headphones and music/soundtrack to the ride?? CHECK!
First Stop on the Tour de Caitlin's Childhood: Her Childhood Home!
Stop #2: Caitlin's Elementary School
"I've never noticed there was a hill there." (this said after we climbed a mountain to get to her you attend a school and never notice its on the side of a mountain, I'll never know.)

Stop #3: The Irvine House (family friends/Caitlin's ex-boyfriend's family)
Stop #3: The Irvine House (family friends/Caitlin's ex-boyfriend's family)
"The most athletic thing Caitlin did before this was date my son." -- Tisha Irvine, we love you.
Highlight of the TLCF: Calf Muscles!
For the first time, Caitlin has muscles.
Her response: "Maybe they'll make my ankles look skinnier!"
Stop #4 of the Tour: La Canada High
Home of Gina, Caitlin and The Spartans!
"There's where the stoners smoked, there's the band room and it looks like a spaceship."
Such a fantastic description!
Such a fantastic description!
This was the beautiful view we had during the tour! Isn't her hometown gorgeous? Side note: pre-life in California, I had no idea that you guys had mountains here....
We rode back up, up, up, up many hills/inclines/climbs/mountains. No matter how you say it, it was a lot of pedaling. The Tour de La Canada Flintridge ended where it began, at Larry & Leslie's. This is the view from their house; isn't it amazing?
And then we were greeted by the Hound Trifecta:
Jack (the beagel, he's scared of the camera; Charlie, the basset hound and pretty girl; Truman, the wire haired dachsund/little old man dog).
They must have known how many hills we climbed becase we got lots of kisses (and sniffs).
The Tour de La Canada Flintridge 2010 was made possible by clip in pedals, big hills and childhood memories.
Spandex Fashion Show would like to thank Tisha for being so supportive and excited about our ride-by visit and ALC, the cities of La Canada and Flintridge for experiencing so much urban sprawl that they became one great city, and Caitlin's childhood for providing the narration for today's ride!
Here are the final stats on the Tour:
Mileage= 16
Grade = Extremely Hilly
Satisfaction = High
HIV/AIDS = Still a reality, so we'll keep on riding!
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