Training ride weekend #1: done. Only 19 more to go! With a very exciting and only slightly traumatizing first week of early morning rides behind us, Autumn and I showed up at our first official ACL training ride ready to have our asses thoroughly kicked. As Autumn has already recapped her first day, I will just say this: I was a little less rock star than her. I was very fortunate, however, that my good friend, Ivy was my own personal coach and TRL for the day. She taught me so much including how to expertly gossip whilst riding, how to not brake 99% of the time, and call outs for potential obstacles: car coming (CAR BACK!), tiny dog (REMNANT!) and homeless person (URBAN CAMPER!). Excellent! I am so well informed! Really though, it not the easiest thing for me to go out in public and do this and I am very glad I was able to have such an understanding and inspiring teacher for the day. Thanks Ivy for short bussing with me! You are the best...gnome joke!

Shoot, Barbie, you can't ride no kinda miles!

Our massive training ride group bikes all lined up. The volume is overwhelming.

Totally appropriate cycling eye wear.
I gnome you could do it!