So weekend #3 is over and we put down somewhere close to 50 miles. Autumn has done a spectacular job of recapping the rides, so I will make mine brief. My Saturday ride was a little doomed from the start. I was one the first 10 miles when my water bottle/cage spontaniously flew off my bike into the street. WTF. Then my pre-existing pinched nerve from hell acted up and I lost feeling in my arm. To state the obvious: arm/hand control is not really optional when riding a bike. After a brief stretching session I continued only to be part of a two bike mid ar collision that did not result in injury, but did result in my chain falling off in the middle of one of the busiest intersections in Burbank. Fun!!! Thankfully that was towards the end of my ride. I was really about to lose it. Some people would go have a cocktail after a morning like that. I, obviously, went and had a cheeseburger and all was right with the world.
Sunday was fortunately a much calmer day in terms of drama and it had fried chicken involved, so it was totally worth it. Not much else to say about that.
All in all a very educational and excellent. Now I need to sleep for my entire day off. I think I am going to permanently need three day weekends for the duration of this training.
Saturday: We showed up in the same outfit. TWIIINS!

Learning how to check and put air into tires. Yea, I totally do that now.

Sunday: Fried Chicken Riiiiide! Fried chicken...and waffles...and creamed corn, mac and cheese, grits, corn bread, etc. We were very hungry.

Riding in Southern California in Feb. does not suck.
TEAM PINK AND BLACK...really, don't mess with us.
Nothing says class like a tall boy in a water bottle cage.
Autumn judging people on the Bridge of Cycling Judgment in the marina.
That is a lot of bikes.
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