Tuesday, February 23, 2010


A couple things I wanted to share regarding my cycling life. My posts are riveting, I know.
#1 BW told me that I am ready for the clip in scary shoes. I am conflicted because buying new shoes usually is my most favorite of all activities, but the idea of being physically attached to my bike scares the crap out of me.
#2 I had acupuncture this week for my back. My super nice acupuncturist Dawna told me it felt like I had a giant metal plate in my back I was so tense. Awesome. Hopefully acupuncture will help with my neck and shoulder issues so I no longer have to take breaks while riding to regain feeling in my right hand. What, not every 26 year old has a pinched nerves and knots the size of walnuts? Who says I am a tense person? WHO?
#3 I saw a guy wearing the tattoo arm warmers this weekend. I almost fell off my bike.

1 comment:

  1. Clip in shoes. Do it. Two reasons: (1) it makes riding easier, and we like easier, and (2) the first time I clipped in, I fell off my bike while attempting to stand at a red light, and although highly embarrassing, it doesn't hurt too badly. Good luck and hope the back feels better.
