I continue to vacillate between being sure I am never going to get better at this and feeling OK about it...but this weekend was more the latter than the former, so that's improvement. Being a beginner has been really challenging for me, as generally it is a rule of mine that if I am a beginner at something...I don’t begin it. SO accepting that I am not a super star from minute one is top priority. Don't know how long that's going to take. Hopefully my skills will continue to catch up to my enthusiasm for this event and I will some day be at least a good cyclist, if not ever a super star...which I am trying to be OK with (even though it goes against everything I have ever believed in my life....ever).
Anyway, after the ride we shopped. Back to something I am good at! YES! I made out like a bandit with several SHEBEEST (yes, this is the name of a real clothing company, I mean…) jerseys. Also, Ivy and I purchased matching best-sweater-shirt-jersey-things ever. We are obviously way cool.
I can't wait until I get my Saturday clients rescheduled...