Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Bedtime: 9:45pm. New Eating Time: Always.

I know, I know, I have been the biggest slacker about blogging. My fans are just going to have to deal. But you can be excited now to start Wednesday off with an update from your favorite not-so-novice-anymore cyclists.

Back to the actual topic of this post.....

Our first couple blogs were posted at 11pm or later. Not anymore. Caitlin and I now must go to bed at 9:45pm. Why, you ask? Well, I hate mornings. I also am not allowed to fall asleep at my desk and drool on whatever contract happens to be laying beneath me. These things combined with a 5:30am wake up call mean that the lights must go out before 10. I was (admittedly) complaining to Caitlin last night (sidenote: in these first two weeks of training I have been staying with Caitlin because I currently live 20 min. away. No way ever I'm going to get up early enough to drive an extra 20 min.) about how my life now consists of sleeping, biking and working. Her response, "Yes, but before this it only consisted of sleeping and working." Touche, my friend, touche. Adding exercise to the mix was probably not a bad idea. Its not as if the biking is getting in the way of all of my club going and crazy social life.

Along with the tiredness -- my mom called me this morning and announced, "Well, good! You are in the land of the living!" I have not spoken to her since Sunday (normally I call her every morning on my way to work) because by 8am I already need a break from the day (ie no talk time) and when I leave work at 8pm I cannot think of anything other than eating and going to bed -- comes the severe and alarming hunger. Apparently, biking = eating x 10. Now we all know that Caitlin already eats more than anyone could ever imagine considering her tiny frame, but imagine this (if you can): she eats even MORE now! It is astonishing. Also, I pretty much am hungry from about min. 10 on my bike in the wee hours of the morning until I go to bed. By lunch I'm crying. On Saturday, after riding 33 miles, I ate a burger, a basket of fries and a peanut butter milkshake (heaven!) and wasn't even full. This morning I almost got sidetracked from our training ride by the warm and inviting sight of Coffee Bean and their delicious soy lattes and jalapeno cheese bagels....but thankfully, I heard our team captain, Ivy, in my head yelling "NO BREAKFAST!" So I kept riding. Caitlin was distracted by Barney's. She wanted a GIANT BURGER and french fries at 6am. Again, we are not the same.

After we spent a million dollars each on bikes and stretchy pants at Cynergy 10 days ago, our master plan was to eat Ramen noodles until June. Not happening. Can't do it. I would have to eat Ramen noodles every 20 min. all day to keep myself from starving to death. And the eating Ramen all day might interfere with my "serious" legal meetings and Caitlin's ordering people to "fix 'em hot." (Fix 'Em Hot is the name of the company that attaches the rhinestones to Juicy tracksuits. Look, our blog is humorous and educational!)

Now that its been 2 hours since breakfast, I need more food. And sleep. But the sleep will have to wait.


  1. To be fair, Caitlin was a fan of eating giant burgers for breakfast BEFORE she started riding her bike 40 hours a week. Just saying...

  2. Ride to eat...Eat to ride. It has been the mantra of endurance cyclists for all of existence! Gotta fuel the beast!
    ~~Bike Whisperer~~

  3. OMG! So true, I thought it was only me! I am so hungry all day that I changed my eating habits from 2 large meals a day to 5 small meals. But I still wake up in the middle of the night hungry! What's up with that?!

  4. this is one of the best parts of cycling...
